Why Join Our Ski Club?

We were called Baby Boomers and we ruled the world!  Now, we’re just a bunch of FOPS…and damn proud of it…and still love skiing and riding.

(F * * *ING OLD PEOPLE for those who are wondering what it means)

Membership like no other!

For just $30, you’ll unlock a LIFETIME of unforgettable experiences. No boring meetings or ski trips here. It’s all about having a blast while hitting the slopes, proudly flaunting your FOP sticker on your helmet and rocking your FOP shirt.

As a member of the FOP Ski Club, you’ll have endless stories to share with those young hipsters and phone-addicted millennials you’ll encounter on the lifts.

But that’s not all!

For each member who joins our ski club and purchases our stylish shirt and awesome stickers, we’ll donate the $10 profit to the ❤️American Heart Association. Why? Because I personally experienced a heart attack in October 2021, yet bounced back swiftly and returned to the slopes in December of the same year. Let’s raise funds together and support an organization that has the potential to save lives.